Selective Absorption Fusion (SAF)


Selective absorption fusion (SAF) is a 3D printing process that uses a combination of inkjet printing and sintering to build objects layer by layer. The SAF process involves selectively depositing a fusing agent onto a powder bed, which is then exposed to infrared radiation to selectively fuse the powder particles together


Its capacity for producing complex geometries with high resolution and accuracy makes it ideal for industries requiring intricate components, such as aerospace and healthcare. With reduced material waste, cost-effective prototyping, and the capability for customization, SAF enables faster production cycles and shorter lead times, positioning it as a valuable additive manufacturing technology for diverse applications.


Selective absorption fusion (SAF) finds applications across industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and consumer goods. In aerospace, it fabricates lightweight, high-strength components like turbine blades. Automotive manufacturers leverage SAF for rapid prototyping and producing customized parts, enhancing vehicle performance. Medical applications include patient-specific implants and surgical instruments, while consumer goods benefit from intricate designs and small-scale manufacturing runs. SAF also supports tooling and jig production, aids in research and education, and facilitates custom manufacturing processes, making it a versatile and valuable additive manufacturing technology


Our mastery of SAF technology enables us to produce intricate components with exceptional precision and reliability, meeting the stringent requirements of aerospace, automotive, medical, and consumer goods sectors.


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